Since the baptism, the choir praises Maddalena's strength, her ability to oppose destiny with the strength of love.

«Ma tu sei forte, piena di vita
alza i tuoi pugni contro il destino,
senti l’amore dentro le vene…»
AShe will then face her grandfather «with a dagger, or maybe just a lily». It will be in fact with the lily, a symbol of purity and exaltation of spiritual peace, that Maddalena will defeat the Mago di Cantone.
Maddalena is a determined woman, certain of the strength of timeless values. But she is also a woman linked to nature, to the forces of the universe, sometimes even esoteric.
In the forest, she absorbs every element, every sound, every smell: «Far from the voices of the world I go back to being an animal among animals, a living creature among many other creatures…». Maddalena is in nature, Maddalena is nature: «I’m not in the forest. I am the forest.»
The new opera Maddalena is a contemporary artistic product that can fit into the tradition of the many operas whose heroines are capable of asserting their values independently, a woman who self-determines straightforwardly and with passion.

In short, it is an extremely modern opera, capable of involving young people and adults.